Have You Seen This Book? ~ Angela DiTerlizzi
A young boy’s favorite book is missing. Throughout the story, he asks, “Have you seen this book?” and describes the missing book page by page.
A young boy’s favorite book is missing. Throughout the story, he asks, “Have you seen this book?” and describes the missing book page by page.
After living with her grandma, Malaika is excited to be back with her mother again. However, she is uncertain about her new blended family, Mr. Frédéric, and his daughter Adéle.
Follow along as a young boy shares his family's experience celebrating Kwanzaa. With critical thinking and recall questions incorporated at the end of each chapter, this book is an excellent resource for young children learning about the holiday.
Based on a holiday tradition in Ireland, this book allows readers to share in the anticipation and excitement of the Book Flood. Centered around the magic of books and the love and appreciation for reading, Icelanders search for the perfect books to give their loved ones on Christmas Eve.
Third-grader E.J. is excited about Christmas. But, before he can start celebrating, he is tasked with memorizing lines to recite at the school Winter Wonderland assembly. Follow along for a “not-so-holly-jolly time” with E.J.
Ty wakes up to a winter Wonderland. He and his mother venture out to the “North Pole” and see many marvelous things. Sparkling Christmas trees. Waving snowmen.
After completing his swim lessons and passing his swim test, Jabari is ready to jump off the diving board...or is he? He lets others go ahead of him in line, he stretches, he takes a tiny rest and finally, after some encouragement from his dad, Jabari jumps!
I absolutely love this book! It features 40+ African American women who made huge strides throughout history. The pages are filled with adorable illustrations and biographical text for the bold women in Black history!
We really enjoyed this book about Martin Luther King! When we read the very first page, my daughter (at the time, age 7) noticed that his birthday was the following day, January 15th! She immediately asked if we could have a birthday celebration for him.
This is a collection of poems celebrating the seasons of a family's love. There are twelve poems, one for each month of the year.
This book is about a girl named Janell and her imaginary friend Neesie. Although my kids do not currently have any imaginary friends (at least not that I know of), they really enjoyed this book and totally caught on to the idea that Neesie was not real.
Follow along as a little caterpillar walks through and observes all of the different animals and sounds in the tall, tall grass. My kids enjoyed this book mostly because we acted about the sounds and actions of the various animals.
Charlie got a goldfish for his birthday and he vowed to teach Wishy everything he learned! Attempting to follow through with his promise, Charlie secretly hides Wishy in his backpack and takes him on the school field trip to the aquarium!
This is an alphabet book based around the theme of African American poets. Each letter of the alphabet has lines from a poem written by an African American poet.
This was a beautiful story about a young girl with a brand new baby brother. She watches how her mother cares for her baby brother and decides that she wants her very own baby to care for.
This story features a little girl whose mother is black and father is white. Throughout the book she notices the many differences between her mother and father (not just physical differences, but for example, differences in their likes and dislikes.)
This book is about Max (a little boy), Little Pink (a pig), and Big Blue (an elephant). Little Pink decides to paint the house to match the sky, but gets upset when Max and Big Blue attempt to help out.
Seven children decided to take the shortcut home...along the railroad track! But, they soon realized that they should have taken the road instead!
This is a cute rhyming book about two friends. Despite their many differences, they both treasure their friendship with one another.
Being a middle child is not always easy, especially for Daisy. With a younger brother and older sister, Daisy feels like no one listens to her.